GeneMax® Advantage

GeneMax® Advantage helps commercial producers of Angus genetics avoid costly mistakes by informing the selection of the most advantageous heifers and strategically breeding them to produce valuable calves and superior replacements.

Tap into the world’s largest Angus phenotype and genotype database with GeneMax Advantage. It’s the only commercial replacement heifer test driven by the Angus database.

Use it to:

  • Easily and dependably evaluate commercial Angus heifers across maternal, feedlot, carcass and novel genetic traits
  • Benchmark your herd against more than 100,000 tested commercial Angus replacement candidates
  • Directly compare tested females with registered Angus bulls using $Values

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The Eye Test

You might have a good eye for cattle, but are you always 100% certain of your breeding decisions? With a tool like GeneMax, you can be. Test your intuition in Keep or Cull, a quick heifer sorting game, to see how you stack up against scientific insights.

What it’s for

Genetic testing with GeneMax® Advantage provides insights that help make your biggest decisions easier.
A cow icon with a check mark.

Selection Decisions

  • Earlier, more dependable, and simplified heifer selection using economic index scores, including $Values
  • Eliminate heifers with specific potential problems (e.g., docility, calving ease) unseen with visual inspection alone
  • Benchmark genetic strengths and weaknesses for groups of candidate heifers
A cow icon with a DNA sequence.

Breeding Decisions

  • More effective mating to accentuate strengths, correct weaknesses and achieve production goals
  • Smarter bull buying and/or more strategic AI sire selection decisions to complement herd strengths and weaknesses
  • Helps avoid inbreeding and reduced performance in reproductive and fitness traits with SireMatch

How it works

See how GeneMax® can help improve your herd with more confidence and accuracy.
Black Angus cow in a pasture

Focused on Angus Cattle

GeneMax® Advantage is a genomic test for prospective commercial Angus replacement females that are a high-percentage Angus composition.
A Zoetis rep showing a rancher a tablet in a cattle pen.

Three Index Scores + Five $Values

GeneMax Advantage delivers three economic index scores (Cow, Feeder and Total), five $Values ($M, $F, $G, $B and $C), genomic predictions for 19 individual traits benchmarked against almost 120,000 tested commercial Angus replacement heifer candidates, as well as SireMatch to registered and transferred HD 50K® and Angus GS-tested bulls.
A man on his phone overlooking his cattle pasture.

More Desirable Scores

Trait and index scores range from 1 to 100, with 50 representing average genetic merit and higher scores generally more desirable.



GeneMax Advantage matches potential Angus sires to tested heifer progeny.

To help you manage inbreeding, SireMatch is available from registered, transferred and genomic-tested Angus bulls in your battery for tested daughters.

Value Return

  • The GeneMax Total Advantage index simplifies selection for enhanced net return across the cow/calf, feeding and carcass phases of production
  • Identify heifers that possess documented genetic merit for value-added marketing as replacement heifers
  • Market calves with the AngusLinkSM Genetic Merit ScorecardSM to capture value on your investment in genetic testing and progress

Traits and indexes

GeneMax Advantage puts the power of genomic scores and easy-to-use economic indexes into your hands.
  • Birth Weight (BW)
  • Calving Ease Maternal (CEM)
  • Weaning Weight (WW)
  • Heifer Pregnancy (HP)
  • Milk
  • Yearling Height (YH)
  • Mature Cow Weight (MW)
  • Cow Cost
  • Docility (DOC)
  • Foot Claw & Angle Composite (CAC)
  • Post-Weaning Gain (Gain)
  • Feed-To-Gain (F:G)
  • Carcass Weight (CW)
  • Marbling (MARB)
  • Ribeye Area (RE)
  • Fat Thickness (FAT)
  • Tenderness (TND)
  • Hair Shed (HS)
  • Pulmonary Arterial Pressure (PAP)
Cow Advantage
Index scores rank candidate replacements for net return from combined genetic merit for heifer pregnancy, calving ease maternal and direct (includes birth weight), direct and maternal weaning weight (milk), docility and foot soundness (claw and angle composite), as well as associated costs of production due to differences in mature cow size and milk production, while also accounting for variation in cull cow value.
Feeder Advantage
Index scores rank candidate replacements for net returns from combined genetic merit transmitted to progeny for post-weaning gain, carcass weight and grade (USDA Quality and Yield Grades as predicted by component traits), and costs of gain due to genetic differences in dry matter intake and associated feed-to-gain.
Total Advantage
Index scores rank candidate replacements for net returns from combined genetic merit across economically relevant traits captured in the Cow and Feeder Advantage indexes. As such, this is the simplest, most comprehensive prediction of systemwide production efficiency upon which to primarily base selection and breeding decisions.
Angus $Values - Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), Feeder Value ($F), Grid Value ($G), Beef Value ($B), and Combined Value ($C) - make tested females directly comparable to registered Angus bulls.
A DNA sequence. A DNA sequence. A DNA sequence. A DNA sequence.

Order forms

New to genetic testing? Let us help you get started. Click here. Are you a returning customer? Get started by placing your order today with the forms below:

GeneMax Advantage Order Form
GeneMax Advantage Order Online
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GeneMax Advantage is brought to you in partnership with Angus Genetics Inc.

GeneMax Advantage Overview 2024
GeneMax Advantage Technical Bulletin
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We try to answer all emails within 24 hours, except for weekends and holidays.

All trademarks are the property of Zoetis Services LLC or a related company or a licensor unless otherwise noted.
GeneMax Advantage is a registered trademark of Angus Genetics Inc.
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