HD 50K®
Don’t follow the herd. Improve it. HD 50K® for Angus represents advancement in genotyping technology specifically for Angus breeders.
Use it to:
- Get genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs) and more dependable index predictions for registered Angus bulls and females
- Make more informed Angus bull and female selection and marketing decisions
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If HD 50K® feels like the right genetic testing solution for your operation, click here to start a conversation with a Zoetis genetics representative.
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Genetic testing with HD 50K® provides insights that help make your biggest decisions easier.

Selection Decisions
- Earlier, more dependable selection using GE-EPDs and economic indexes with enhanced accuracy
- Identify genetically superior, outlier bulls and females for more rapid propagation through AI, ET and IVF programs and related marketing
- Identify seedstock with desired genetic merit for important specific purposes (e.g., selection of heifer bulls for ease of calving when bred to replacement heifers)

Breeding Decisions
- More reliable matings to accentuate strengths and correct weaknesses to achieve breeding goal
- Included parentage verification enables more informed avoidance of inbreeding or intentional linebreeding
- Reduced mating risks related to costly ET and IVF programs
Better information, strategic decisions
HD 50K® for Angus immediately boosts the accuracy of conventional EPDs and indexes, roughly equivalent to more than a first calf crop with performance information for bulls and more than a lifetime of production for females.
Angus seedstock breeders and commercial bull buyers demand GE-EPDs. Make sure you’re prepared and don’t let your operation fall behind.
HD 50K or Angus GS-tested bull batteries enables SireMatch for GeneMax Advantage tested female progeny.
Traits and Indexes
HD 50K puts the power of GEPDs and more dependable economic indexes into your hands.
- Calving Ease Direct (CED)
- Birth Weight (BW)
- Weaning Weight (WW)
- Yearling Weight (YW)
- Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG)
- Dry Matter Intake (DMI)
- Yearling Height (YH)
- Scrotal Circumference (SC)
- Heifer Pregnancy (HP)
- Calving Ease Maternal (CEM)
- Milk
- Mature Cow Weight (MW)
- Mature Cow Height (MH)
- Cow Energy Value ($EN)
- Docility (Doc)
- Claw Angle (Claw)
- Foot Angle (Angle)
- Pulmonary Arterial Pressure (PAP)
- Hair Shed (HS)
- Carcass Weight (CW)
- Marbling (MARB)
- Ribeye Area (RE)
- Fat Thickness (FAT)
- $Angus Indexes
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New to genetic testing? Let us help you get started. Click here. Are you a returning customer? Get started placing your order today with the forms below: